Why Athletes should Train with EMS

Why Athletes should Train with EMS

Electrical Muscle Stimulation EMS training has been used in rehabilitation. The technology is rapidly finding its way into the fitness scene as it advances. Many professional athletes use the technology.

Usain Bolt, Karim Benzema, Dani Cavajal, and professional footballer David Njoku have all used technology to better their performance.

Why should Athletes use EMS in their Training?

The following are the five advantages of EMS training for top-level athletes:

EMS technology engages both fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscles. In making muscle growth faster and easier.

Become stronger while lowering the risk of injury.

Recover from workouts more quickly.

Save time- muscle stimulation training allows you to obtain a three-hour workout in just 20 minutes.

The ability to train at any time and from any location.

How does EMS Training Positively Influence Performance?

EMS is an efficient training partner to help you build strength.  Increase  endurance quickly and safely.  Research asserts the effectiveness of training in strength and performance enhancement. It is necessary to acknowledge EMS,  only delivers optimal results when used appropriately.

Two recent studies on EMS training showcases how the technology is invaluable in athletes.

A study by Andre Flilipovic suggested that EMS is particularly effective for muscle strength. The study asserted that in a mere six weeks, participants that used EMS technology showcased significant gains. They were in 5 areas of strength. These five areas of strength include;

Maximal strength

Speed strength

Rate of force development

Force impulse


Irrespective of the type of sporting activity an elite athlete is involved in, increased muscle strength is instrumental in performance. Becoming more potent in the above areas increases vertical jump height and improves sprint times which is vital in the performance of many elite athletes.  Apart from increasing muscle strength, the Filiopvic study also showcased that training increases fitness levels in professional athletes despite their already high level of fitness. The study emphasizes that “trained and elite athletes, despite their already high level of fitness, are able to significantly enhance their level of strength to the same extent as is possible with untrained subjects.”

Value of EMS Training

The study concludes on a high note and optimistic outlook on the priceless value of EMS in the training regime of elite athletes. The study affirms, “EMS offers a promising alternative to traditional strength training.   Enhancing these strength parameters, and because of the clear-cut advantages in time management, especially when whole-body EMS is used, we can expect to see EMS used increasingly in high-performance sports.”

Role of EMS training

Another study focused on the role of EMS training on the strength and power of professional rugby players. The research published in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research asserted that EMS training increased muscle strength and power in rugby players. The participants were divided into two groups, the test, and the control group. The researchers observed and tested the participants from the two groups over 12 weeks. The study concluded that the participants trained with the EMS technology demonstrated beneficial effects on muscle strength and power even though rugby-specific skills were not enhanced in the 12 weeks. The study results establish the benefits of EMS training in increasing strength, which is invaluable to an athlete. While the study did not demonstrate an increase in sports-specific skills, it is necessary to acknowledge that such gains take time and require more than three months of training.

The above two studies suggest that EMS training is particularly effective in increasing strength. Indeed, the technology increases strength in various areas, including squat strength, squat jump, and drop jump. Moreover, allows athletes to sprint faster, tackle harder, and jump higher. Apart from these benefits that can translate directly to sports-specific advantages, increasing strength in the muscles and joints reduces the risk of an injury.Besides increasing strength, EMS training is beneficial to athletes since it facilitates an easier and faster recovery time and ensures you get a workout whenever and wherever.

How EMS Helps with Recovery from Work-outs

It is widely acknowledged, backed with scientific evidence, that active recovery after a work-out facilitates a quicker recovery than inactive recovery. Active recovery often encompasses low-intensity activities such as cycling and swimming. EMS is a good alternative for athletes who cannot engage in these low-intensity activities.

EMS is an excellent post-workout option for athletes since it oxygenates muscles, relieves discomfort, eliminates toxins like lactic acid, improves blood flow and circulation, and reduces muscle swelling. EMS training ensures that these advantages are realized without putting additional strain on the muscles and joints. Finally, training allows elite athletes to recuperate faster while still reaping the benefits of their efforts. Thanks to faster recuperation, athletes can also return to exercise sooner without risking injury.

EMS is Portable

In addition to all the benefits, including increased strength and improved recovery time, EMS training is possible anywhere and anytime, an advantage that any elite athlete can massively enjoy. Since the suits are easily packed, they are ideal for those times that an athlete is traveling. EMS training can fit in any tight schedule since athletes can work out anywhere and anytime. The technology can be used during “rest periods,” for instance, when in a plane, without affecting the usual training regime.

Professional Opinion

Many professional coaches, such as Carl Valle, an Olympic coach, believes that EMS has a place in sports performance and the rehabilitation of athletes. Coach Carl Valle urges, “I believe EMS is great for preparation periods and for times when maximal training is difficult to perform during the competitive season. Coaches will see an athlete’s willingness to train and their energy decrease as the season draws out.”

According to Coach Carl Valle, training is a convenient solution to keep the body fit when athletes cannot train at full potential. Professional athletes often have jack-packed schedules during the season, making training difficult. training can be done anywhere for a mere 20 minutes, making it an effective training regime for athletes.

Therefore, incorporating EMS technology into your training regime can take your performance to the next level!



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